Akira Ishida, a renowned Japanese voice actor and accomplished actor, hails from the city of Nisshin, located in the Aichi prefecture. Born on November 2, 1967, he has made a lasting impact in the entertainment industry.
Throughout his illustrious career, Ishida has been affiliated with the prestigious talent agency, Peerless Gerbera.
His impressive accolades include being voted the most popular voice actor in the Animage Anime Grand Prix in the year 2004, a testament to his widespread popularity and admiration among fans.
Furthermore, Ishida has received the esteemed honor of Best Supporting Actor at the 1st Seiyū Awards in 2007, a recognition of his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft.
As a result of his outstanding contributions to the world of voice acting and entertainment, Akira Ishida has solidified his position as a respected and beloved figure in the industry.