Arata the Legend background

Arata the Legend

Amawakuni, a world where humans and gods coexist, is rocked by a coup led by the Twelve Shinsho, powerful sword-wielders known as Hayagami. At the center of the turmoil is Arata, a young boy accused of murdering a...

In the world of Amawakuni, humans and gods coexist, but a young boy named Arata finds himself at the center of a revolution led by the Twelve Shinsho, powerful warriors wielding sacred swords. Accused of murdering a princess, Arata flees to a forest, only to be mysteriously transported to the modern world.


Episode 2 Hayagami

2. Hayagami

Aired: Apr 16, 2013

Accused of being the murderer, Arata is forced to stand trial. On the way he ...

Episode 3 Shinpan: El Juicio

3. Shinpan: El Juicio

Aired: Apr 23, 2013

Arata and Kotoha are taken to Gatoya, "the ultimate hell," where they are imm...

Episode 4 Kakusei: Amanecer

4. Kakusei: Amanecer

Aired: Apr 30, 2013

Kanate ahas been taken by The Reckoning of Warden Tsutsuga. Arata goes to sea...

Episode 5 Zokusho

5. Zokusho

Aired: May 6, 2013

In the modern world, Arata's family knows something is different about Arata,...

Episode 6 Okoro

6. Okoro

Aired: May 13, 2013

Ohika saves Arata after he collapsed during the party's travels. Shortly afte...

Episode 7 Homura

7. Homura

Aired: May 27, 2013

Still living in Hinohara's place back in the modern world, Arata meets Kadowa...

Episode 8 Orochi

8. Orochi

Aired: Jun 3, 2013

After learning of Kannagi's past, Arata is even more determined to change the...

Episode 9 Onika: Corrupción

9. Onika: Corrupción

Aired: Jun 10, 2013

Kadowaki has appeared in Amawakuni! Arata is confused, but after being bombar...

Episode 10 Admiration

10. Admiration

Aired: Jun 17, 2013

Arata and the others have arrived in the domain of Yorunami, one of the Twelv...

Episode 11 Mitama: Fuerza Vital

11. Mitama: Fuerza Vital

Aired: Jun 24, 2013

Arata and his party arrive at the palace, Tamayori, but Yorunami immediately ...

Info about Arata the Legend

Current Status: Ended

Network: TV Tokyo

Production Country: Japan
