A rookie sky pirate named Cou discovers an unusual cargo, an "Edel Reid" named Ren, who has the ability to grant special combat power to their partners through "Reacting". Ren is highly prized, and Cou's pirate ship is soon visited by agents from the Edel Reid Complete Protection Agency, who try to purchase her. When Cou refuses, the ship is attacked, and he is charged with protecting Ren. As they journey to the Edel Garden, they face numerous challenges and conflicts between different species, including the use of Edel Raid as weapons and the struggles between Arc Aile and the Chaos Choir. Along the way, Ren and Cou develop feelings for each other, and they work together to reunite humans and Edel Raid through an ancient song that unlocks immense magical power.
After a raid by the Red Lynx sky pirates, young Coud rummages through the loo...