Survivor Series background

Survivor Series

The next movie features an intense Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Title, with six top contenders vying for the championship. Additionally, the WWE Title is on the line as Brock Lesnar takes on The Big Show, and the WWE Tag Team Titles are up for grabs in a thrilling match bet...

The next movie features a thrilling lineup of matches, including the World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber match between six top wrestlers, the WWE Title match between Brock Lesnar and The Big Show, and the WWE Tag Team Titles match between four teams. Additionally, the WWE Cruiserweight Title is on the line, as Jamie Noble faces Billy Kidman, and the WWE Women's Title is defended in a Hardcore Match between Trish Stratus and Victoria. The event also includes a Tables Match featuring a team of Dudley brothers and Jeff Hardy taking on 3-Minute Warning.

Info about Survivor Series

Originally Released: United States, Nov 17, 2002

Production Country: United States

Genres:Action, Comedy, Sport