Sam de Jong, a talented individual born in 1986 in the vibrant city of Amsterdam, embarked on a journey to hone his craft in documentary directing at the prestigious Dutch Film Academy in Amsterdam. Upon completing his studies, he graduated with a remarkable short fiction film titled Magnesium.
As his career progressed, de Jong ventured into the realm of commercials and music videos, working with notable clients such as De Jeugd van Tegenwoordig and others. His impressive body of work has solidified his reputation as one of the most promising filmmaking talents to emerge from the Netherlands in recent years.
De Jong's highly anticipated debut feature film, Prince, premiered in 2015, garnering widespread attention and acclaim. This was followed by the international feature Goldie in 2019, which further cemented his status as a rising star in the film industry.
More recently, his film Met mes was selected for the esteemed Tiger Award Competition in 2022, a testament to his continued growth and innovation as a filmmaker. Throughout his career, Sam de Jong has consistently pushed boundaries and showcased his unique perspective, making him a force to be reckoned with in the world of cinema.