The talented individual made his cinematic debut in the film "Above the Rainbow", before re-emerging on the big screen in the school drama "Dear Elena Sergeevna". This was swiftly followed by his appearance in the film "Love", which solidified his status as a rising star of his generation.
Prior to his film career, he started out at the unconventional student theatre "The Monkey Monkey", which garnered recognition through his participation in the television program "Directing Yourself", where he and his fellow actors showcased their skills in short television roles.
He went on to graduate from the prestigious Moscow Theater School, Shchukin (1992, workshop of Yu. Avsharov).
Throughout his career, he was an actor for the Lenkom Theatre from 1992 to 2003, and later became a part of the Independent Theatre Project.
Sadly, he passed away on October 18 and was laid to rest at the Khimki cemetery in Moscow.