Andrew David Barker, a multifaceted creative genius, brought forth into this world in the charming city of Derby, England, in the year 1975. As an accomplished author, screenwriter, and director, his remarkable body of work has garnered widespread recognition and acclaim.
His literary masterpieces include the novels "The Electric", "Dead Leaves", "The Winterman", and "Society Place", each a testament to his skillful storytelling and vivid imagination.
Furthermore, Andrew has ventured into the realm of filmmaking, helming the post-apocalyptic micro-budget feature "A Reckoning", a cinematic triumph that has left a lasting impression on audiences.
In addition to his feature-length endeavors, Andrew has also directed several award-winning short films, including the critically acclaimed "Shining Tor" and "Baby on Board", showcasing his versatility and talent in the realm of short-form storytelling.