The ruler of the Evil Phantom Empire, Queen Mirage, invades Earth with armies of Choiarks and powerful monsters called Saiarks. In response, Pretty Cures dispatch their forces across the globe to fight against the threat. Hime Shirayuki, a princess from the Blue Sky Kingdom taken over by the Phantom Empire, joins as Cure Princess but often runs away scared. With a crystal of love from Earth's Spirits (Blue),Hime is directed to find a partner and recruit Megumi Aino, a kind-hearted girl always ready to help others, who becomes her new partner in the Happiness Charge Pretty Cure team. Together, they use the power of Pretty Cards, change forms, and work with other Cures like Cure Honey and Fortune to collect all the Pretty Cards and protect Earth from the Phantom Empire's invasion.
Happiness Charge PreCure!
Queen Mirage leads an invasion on Earth with armies of Choiarks and Saiarks, as all around the globe Pretty Cures are deployed to combat the threat posed by the Phantom Empire.