A long time ago, a young girl named Haruka Haruno dreamed of becoming a princess like those found in fairy tales. However, she faced constant bullying by her kindergarten classmates due to this dream. Later, she met a boy named Kanata who gave her a strange charm and promised never to give up on her dreams. A few years later, at the age of 13, Haruka attended the Noble Academy boarding school while still cherishing her dream of becoming a princess like one from her picture books. One day, she encountered two fairy creatures from the Hope Kingdom: Pafu and Aroma, who were followed by a mysterious man named Close. The fairies revealed that he works for Dys Dark, led by a witch named Dyspear, with the goal of causing despair by locking dreams away in the Gate of Despair. Haruka was forced to use her charm as a key and received Princess Perfume from the fairies, becoming one of the Hope Kingdom's chosen warrior: Cure Flora, known as Pretty Cure. Later, she joined Minami Kaido, Kirara Amanogawa, and Towa Akagi to form the Princess Pretty Cure Team. As Cure Mermaid, Cure Twinkle, and Cure Scarlet, they travel together to collect Dress Up Keys needed to open the Gate of Dreams while protecting people's dreams from Dys Dark's forces.
Go! Princess PreCure
A young girl named Haruka Haruno dreamed of becoming a princess, much like those depicted in fairy tales. However, she faced constant bullying from her kindergarten classmates because of her aspirations. Later, she met Kanata, who helped her overcome the challenges and pursue her dreams.