1. Aired: Mar 5, 2013British bomb disposal unit Bluestone 42, led by Captain Nick Medhurst, embark...
2. Aired: Mar 12, 2013The team's dynamics are put to the test as Simon faces ridicule for deviating...
3. Aired: Mar 19, 2013Undeterred by the rejection of his memoirs, Simon seeks a new approach by att...
4. Aired: Mar 26, 2013Mary's impressive poker skills mask a dark past, as she confesses to Nick tha...
5. Aired: Apr 2, 2013Nick is disappointed by the Road Hoggs, a team led by jocular Sergeant Hogg, ...
6. Aired: Apr 9, 2013Bomb sniffer dog Monty falls ill, prompting Captain Parekh, a former army vet...
7. Aired: Apr 16, 2013Nick's plans to seduce Mary are put on hold as the base faces a mortar attack...
8. Aired: Apr 23, 2013Simon takes a stand against his girlfriend's wishes and suggests a stag night...