Lowell Blackford, a talented musician with a unique gift, is struggling to find success due to his inherited "evil eye" that hypnotizes people. He seeks a Broadway publisher and accidentally crashes an audition at the Swing Publishing Company, where he meets Ginger Gray, a talented singer, and her promoter, Waltzy Malone. After Ginger accidentally takes his music, Waltzy discovers Lowell's hypnotic power and believes it can help his fighter, "Killer" Kennedy, win the championship. Lowell is persuaded to lead the band at Ginger's club, but things become complicated as Lowell's feelings for Ginger grow and he joins the Tank Corps.
Swing Fever
Lowell Blackford, a talented musician with a rare gift, is also burdened with a mysterious curse: his "evil eye" has the power to hypnotize those around him, forcing him to live a solitary life. In his quest to share his musical talents with the world, he sets out to find a Broadway pub...