Silver Dollar background

Silver Dollar

The movie follows Yates and Sarah Martin, a couple struggling to make ends meet in a Colorado boom town grocery store. However, when Yates' fortunes change, they become wealthy and influential, leading to a life of luxury and power. Yates purchases a grand mansion in Denver and builds an ope...

The story follows Yates and Sarah Martin, a struggling couple running a grocery store in a Colorado boom town. Their fortunes change when they strike it rich, and Yates uses his newfound wealth to build a lavish lifestyle, including a mansion and an opera house in Denver. However, he soon abandons Sarah for a glamorous new love interest, Lily, and marries her when he becomes a senator in Washington. But when the gold standard is introduced, Yates' fortunes take a drastic turn and he is left ruined.

Info about Silver Dollar

Studio(s): First National Pictures

Originally Released: United States, Dec 24, 1932

Production Country: United States

Genres:Biography, Drama