Joe Palooka and Anne Howe embark on their honeymoon at Harrow Hot Springs, only to have their trip disrupted by Humphrey Pennyworth, a small-town blacksmith who guarantees his work and insists on staying to ensure the couple's car is in working order. Joe soon finds himself in a charity boxing match, initially against Johnson, but the latter is replaced by Humphrey after being knocked out by Joe. As Humphrey's incredible strength becomes apparent, Joe's manager Knobby Walsh seizes the opportunity to take over Humphrey's management, disguising himself as Lord Cecil Poole, an English fight manager. However, Johnson's manager Belden attempts to kidnap Walsh/Poole.
Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey
The newlyweds Joe and Anne embark on their dream honeymoon, but their blissful getaway is disrupted when Knobby secretly signs Joe up for a charity boxing match, putting their romantic getaway on the line. Meanwhile, Lord Cecil attempts to sabotage the event, adding an extra layer of chaos to the...