Dino Dana The Movie follows 10-year-old Dana as she attempts to solve experiment 901, "Where are all the kid dinos?" Her journey takes an unexpected turn when her new neighbor Mateo discovers her magical Dino Field Guide, allowing him to see dinosaurs in real life. After Mateo is kidnapped by a T-Rex, Dana, her sister Saara, and Jadiel embark on a thrilling adventure to rescue him, encountering various dinosaurs along the way, including Triceratops, Spinosaurus, and Quetzalcoatlus. Ultimately, they learn that family, whether human or Jurassic, is the most important quest of all.
Dino Dana: The Movie
Meet Dana Jain, a 10-year-old paleontologist-in-training obsessed with dinosaurs, as she embarks on a mission to uncover the mystery of dino experiment 901: the disappearance of the kid dinosaurs.