Bob Gordon's new Broadway show is struggling financially, but a deal with young widow Lillian could provide the funds he needs - on one condition: she gets to dance in the show. However, newspaperman Bert Keeler gets wind of the arrangement and publicly criticizes Gordon's decision. Meanwhile, Gordon's old classmate Irene Forster, a talented tap dancer from Albany, tries to secure the lead role, but Lillian is determined to have it for herself. As tensions rise, Irene, Bert, and Gordon's secretary Kitty hatch a plan to sabotage Lillian's chances and secure the role for Irene.
Broadway Melody of 1936
In the upcoming film, a talented Broadway producer, Bob Gordon, is preparing to launch a new show, and he's offered a lucrative deal by Lillian on one condition: she gets to perform in the production. Meanwhile, Gordon's old classmate, Irene, is determined to land the leading role, but ...