In 19th century Edo, Hanzo, a renowned and unconventional officer, is known for his unwavering integrity and unorthodox methods. When a notorious killer is discovered missing from his island prison, Hanzo launches an investigation, leading him to the magistrate's mistress, the killer's former lover. As he digs deeper, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit that reaches the highest echelons of power. To uncover the truth, Hanzo must use unconventional tactics, including sexual assault, to interrogate key suspects. With powerful forces arrayed against him, Hanzo must navigate the treacherous landscape to expose the truth before he's silenced forever.
Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice
Incorruptible Edo officer Hanzo Itami is on the hunt for an infamous killer who has escaped from his island prison, employing his unconventional interrogation methods to track him down.