Teresa, a native of Vancouver, British Columbia, embarked on a journey in the film and television industry, drawing from her extensive background in social work and psychology. As she pursued her Bachelor of Arts degree at Simon Fraser University in 1988, her fascination with filmmaking began to unfold.
Subsequently, Teresa ventured into the realm of independent production and direction, helming numerous documentaries for television. Her impressive repertoire includes the documentaries "Learning Peace" (2001),"Waging Peace" (2001),"Lost" (1999),"The Other Side of the Picture" (1998),"Under Wraps" (1996),"A Rough Crossing" (1995),"Teen Rebel/Teen Mom" (1994),"Child Sexual Abuse: Both Sides of the Coin" (1991),and "Breaking the Chains: A Story of Recovery" (1989).
This description provides insight into Teresa's remarkable career, as chronicled by Triad Film Productions Ltd.