Scott Barnes is a renowned covert operative who has spent over four decades working for the US Government, starting from his early days in the 1970s. He was first recruited by a CIA offshoot group in 1973 while serving in Vietnam.
Throughout his illustrious career, Barnes has been involved in numerous covert operations, some of which were never officially sanctioned by the CIA or DIA. He has worked as a "corrupt cop" for over 15 years, using this cover to infiltrate even real corrupt cops and assist his team in their missions.
Barnes holds multiple degrees and has received training from various government agencies, including the US DOD, US Army, US DEA, US DOJ, US Treasury FLETC, HDSOC, and many others.
He has been a senior member of several secret units, including the infamous BET Unit, Biker Enforcement Team, which was also part of the LAPD's Covert PDID unit and the OCCIB, LEIU, CNIN, and other secret units operating globally.
Barnes has worked in over 34 foreign nations, conducting specialized cases that are still classified today. He has testified before numerous Federal Grand Juries, US Congressional committees, US Senate committees, and even the highly secretive US "Vault," where his testimony remains Top Secret.
In addition to his government work, Barnes has authored a book titled "BOHICA" and is prominently featured in bestsellers like "Kiss the Boys Goodbye" and 24 other investigative books and reports. He has also appeared on CBS's 60 Minutes and a dozen investigative stories.
Before his retirement on March 13, 2015, Barnes' last known assignment was to expose hundreds of corrupt law enforcement officials in seven states, which he successfully completed on his last day of work.