Radha Mohan, a renowned Tamil movie director, was born on November 20th, 1965. Throughout his illustrious career, he has successfully directed a total of five films, with a remarkable four of them garnering widespread critical acclaim and commercial success. Notably, he has collaborated with actor-producer Prakash Raj on four occasions, working under the banner of Duet films, which has produced notable films such as Azhagiya Theeye, Mozhi, Abhiyum Naanum, and Payanam. Radha Mohan hails from Nagercoil, a city in southern India.
As a testament to his close-knit relationships within the film industry, Radha Mohan is particularly close to fellow director Dharani, who is often referred to as his best friend. This strong bond between the two directors has undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping Radha Mohan's career and creative vision.