Pulkit Samrat's life story commences in the vibrant state of Punjab, where he was born and raised within a Punjabi Hindu family, deeply rooted in the real estate industry. His early years were spent at Manav Sthali School, where the seeds of knowledge were sown, and later he completed his secondary education at Montfort Senior Secondary School, situated in the bustling Ashok Vihar neighborhood of Delhi.
Following his academic pursuits, Pulkit enrolled in an advertising course at Apeejay Institute of Design, nestled in the heart of Delhi, with the intention of honing his skills in the creative field. However, his plans took an unexpected turn when he received a modelling assignment, which ultimately led him to abandon his studies after just five months.
This sudden career shift propelled Pulkit to leave his familiar surroundings in Delhi and make the bold move to Mumbai, the city of dreams. Once in Mumbai, he pursued his passion for acting by joining an acting course run by the renowned Kishore Namit Kapoor, an esteemed institution that has nurtured the talents of many successful actors in the Indian film industry.