Nils Taylor, a talented filmmaker, earned his Master of Fine Arts degree in film production from Chapman University, where he honed his craft by creating a series of short films. These short films, including his thesis film, "The Fighting Kind" (2009),went on to receive numerous accolades at film festivals around the world.
Taylor's directorial debut, "Lights" (2015),was a low-budget sci-fi thriller set against the desolate backdrop of Death Valley. Not only did he assume the role of director, but he also took on various post-production responsibilities to ensure the film's completion within the producer's modest budget. This experience served as a precursor to his second feature, "Quarries" (2017),which he co-wrote and co-produced with Nicole Marie Johnson.
"Quarries" is a modern thriller that follows a group of women on a hiking expedition who are brutally attacked by deranged hunters. Taylor's work as a filmmaker has been marked by his ability to create suspenseful and engaging stories.
In addition to his work as a filmmaker, Taylor also shares his expertise by teaching film production at Saddleback College in southern California, passing on his knowledge to the next generation of filmmakers.