Nandita Roy, a renowned Indian filmmaker and screenwriter, was born on April 3, 1955. She made her directorial debut in the film industry with the movie Icche in 2011, alongside her younger co-director Shiboprosad Mukherjee. Since then, the dynamic duo has directed a plethora of films, including Accident, Muktodhara, Alik Sukh, Ramdhanu, BelaSeshe, Belashuru, Haami, Haami 2, Praktan, Posto, Konntho, Gotro, and Raktabeej.
Nandita's educational background is marked by her attendance at St. Joseph's Convent High School in Vile Parle, where she completed her high school education. She then pursued her undergraduate degree in economics from Sathaye College. Initially, she began her career as a primary school teacher at her alma mater before furthering her studies with a postgraduate degree in economics from the University of Mumbai.
In her personal life, Nandita was married to Nitish Roy, but the couple eventually separated.