Mikko Myllylahti's life story begins in Northern Finland, where he spent his formative years in the quaint town of Tornio. Despite his poetic inclinations, Myllylahti's academic trajectory took a different path, as he earned a Master's degree in Screenwriting and Fiction Directing from the esteemed ELO Helsinki Film School.
Throughout his career, Myllylahti has showcased his talents as a short film director, with notable works including "The Tiger," which premiered at the prestigious Cannes Critics' Week in 2018, and "Love in Vain," which made its debut at the Locarno festival in 2009.
Myllylahti's feature film scriptwriting skills were first showcased with his debut feature script, "The Happiest Day in the Life of Olli Mäki," which marked the directorial debut of Juho Kuosmanen. This cinematic masterpiece went on to win the Prix un Certain Regard at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival, solidifying Myllylahti's reputation as a talented and innovative filmmaker.