Michael Wade Johnson's life story began in Tompkinsville, Kentucky, a small town in the heart of the United States, where he spent his childhood in Clay County, Tennessee.
As a youngster, Michael was a quiet and introverted individual, but it was during his junior high years that he discovered his passion for writing and music. This newfound love for the arts led him to write poetry, lyrics, and short stories, as well as sing in bands. Music quickly became his primary artistic focus, and he spent many years honing his craft.
However, around the turn of the millennium, Michael decided to put music aside and focus on his writing. He went on to self-publish seven solo books and six anthologies, solidifying his reputation as a talented wordsmith.
As the years passed, Michael relocated to various parts of Kentucky, including Tompkinsville and Richmond, where he began to explore his interest in filmmaking. He started making micro-budget film projects, which quickly ignited his passion for the craft. He wrote his first screenplay, "Brimstone," and set out to bring it to life, learning as he went along.
Michael's film endeavors took him to Cookeville, Tennessee, where he continued to work on various projects and became an active member of the local film community. In 2011, he relocated to Nashville, Tennessee, and began working on films again after a brief hiatus. He went on to make "Creature of Habit" and "Cyclical Effect."
In 2012, Michael married Mandi Johnson and moved to Chicago, Illinois, where he continued to pursue his passion for filmmaking. He has since made several independent films, including "Ovulation," "Incorporeal," "Candie's Harem," and "Cellar Secret."