Lindsay, a multifaceted individual from the charming coastal town of Blackpool, Lancashire, has established herself as a talented actor, artist, writer, and unapologetic Northerner. Prior to her return to the entertainment industry in 2010, she embarked on an exciting adventure, touring the country with a rock band. This brief hiatus allowed her to recharge and refocus, ultimately leading to a successful comeback.
Since her return, Lindsay has had the opportunity to work with numerous esteemed theatre companies, gracing the stages of major venues across the country. Her impressive range has also led to a variety of roles in both daytime and prime-time television, showcasing her versatility as a performer.
In addition to her work in television, Lindsay has also made a name for herself in the world of film, appearing in several award-winning short films and feature films. Her talent has not gone unnoticed, as she has also been featured in prominent global brand commercials, further solidifying her status as a sought-after performer.