Lana Read, a renowned and accomplished Director based in the United States, has garnered widespread recognition for her remarkable body of work, which includes the critically acclaimed films Western World (2017),Forbearance (2022),Heartland Harmony (2023),and Wine Thief (2023). This talented filmmaker's passion for the art of filmmaking is deeply rooted in her profound admiration for iconic movies such as Alien, The Man from Snowy River, Foul Play, Point Break, Blazing Saddles, and Young Frankenstein.
In 2006, Lana founded Garnet Films, an independent production company dedicated to producing a diverse range of cinematic masterpieces that captivate audiences with their stunning visuals, outstanding performances, and thought-provoking narratives. With a portfolio of extraordinary films now available to stream, Garnet Films has established itself as a prominent player in the industry, leaving a lasting impact on viewers long after the credits roll.
Lana's extensive knowledge and understanding of the film industry are a direct result of her studies under the guidance of the highly respected Silvana Gallardo, a renowned acting coach. This multifaceted talent seamlessly combines her acting experience with her directing style, earning her the affectionate title of "An Actor's Director," a distinction she cherishes.
To learn more about Lana Read and her remarkable journey, fans can follow her on popular social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.