Lee Kung-Lok, a renowned Hong Kong film director, embarked on his journey artistic by studying Painting at the prestigious Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. Following his academic pursuits, he ventured into the film industry in 1996, serving as a script supervisor on the film "Lawyer Lawyer" (算死草).
As the years progressed, Lee Kung-Lok continued to hone his skills, assuming the role of assistant director in 1999 on the film "House of the Damned" (屍氣逼人). However, as the film industry faced a slump, he pivoted to a television production assistant role.
In addition to his television work, Lee Kung-Lok also produced making-of features for China Star (中國星集團公司),where he had the opportunity to collaborate with Wong Ching-Po (黃精甫). This partnership led to the establishment of Red Flag Production, and the co-production and direction of the film "Fu Bo" (福伯) in 2003.
In 2006, Lee Kung-Lok was invited by Andy Lau (劉德華) of Focus Films Limited to participate in the FOCUS First Cuts program, allowing him to direct his first solo feature, "My Mother Is a Belly Dancer" (師奶唔易做).