Keisuke Yoshida, a renowned Japanese film director and accomplished screenwriter, entered the world on May 5, 1975, in Saitama, Japan. Born with a passion for the silver screen, Yoshida's remarkable journey in the film industry began in his hometown. His most notable achievement to date is the grand prize win at the 2006 Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival, courtesy of his critically acclaimed film, Raw Summer, which conquered the Fantastic Off-Theatre Competition. As a multifaceted creative force, Yoshida has made a lasting impact through his work as both a director and writer, leaving an indelible mark on the industry with his impressive repertoire of films, including Jun kissa Isobe (2008),Thicker Than Water (2018),and Kûhaku (2021).
Keisuke Yoshida
49 · Born: May 5, 1975