Kamen Kalev, a renowned Bulgarian film director and screenwriter, emerged onto the international scene in 2009 with his critically acclaimed film Eastern Plays, garnering numerous prestigious awards and accolades in the process.
Born on June 8, 1975, Kalev's early life was marked by a strong educational foundation, which laid the groundwork for his future success. After completing his high school education in his hometown of Bourgas, he enrolled in the prestigious Krastyo Sarafov National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he initially pursued a degree in photography before switching to cinematography.
Kalev's academic journey took an international turn during his sophomore year, as he continued his education in the art of moviemaking at the renowned French state film school La Fémis in Paris. He graduated from Le Département Image in 2002, marking the beginning of his illustrious career as a film director and screenwriter.
Today, Kamen Kalev is recognized as a leading figure in the world of Bulgarian cinema, with a body of work that showcases his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft.