Joe Bausch, a renowned actor, made his entry into the world on April 19, 1953, in the picturesque town of Ellar, which is nestled in the municipality of Waldbrunn, Germany. His birth name was Hermann-Josef Bausch-Hölterhoff, a moniker that would eventually give way to his professional identity as Joe Bausch.
Throughout his illustrious career, Joe Bausch has made significant contributions to the world of entertainment, leaving an indelible mark on the industry. His most notable roles include appearances in the critically acclaimed television series "Tatort" (1969),the film "Tattoo" (2002),and the cinematic masterpiece "Schlaraffenland" (1999).
In his personal life, Joe Bausch has been married to the love of his life, Kirsten, since 1986. The couple's union has been blessed with the arrival of one child, a testament to their enduring love and commitment to one another.