Joanne, a native of New York, embarked on a life-altering journey at birth, when she was adopted and relocated to Northern New Jersey, situated just beyond the vibrant metropolis of New York City. Throughout her early years, Joanne consistently demonstrated exceptional athletic prowess, showcasing her impressive gymnastic abilities by performing daring stunts on the rooftop of her family's residence, much to the dismay and later, the astonishment of her parents. This innate talent continued to flourish during her high school tenure, as she emerged as a state-ranked athlete in track and field, garnering recognition and accolades for her remarkable skills. Subsequently, Joanne made the bold decision to pursue a radically different career path, opting to trade in her academic pursuits in Marine Science and Physics at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, for a life of high-octane excitement as a stunt performer.
Joanne Lamstein
54 · Born: Apr 23, 1970