Jitendra Kumar is a renowned Indian actor, whose impressive repertoire of roles includes unforgettable performances in numerous popular comedy sketches from The Viral Fever, a renowned Indian digital entertainment company. His iconic characters, such as Munna Jazbaati, Daaru pe Charcha, and Tech Conversations with Dad, have left an indelible mark on the Indian entertainment landscape.
Moreover, Jitendra Kumar is widely recognized for his captivating portrayal of Jitu in the highly acclaimed Indian web series, TVF Pitchers, which has garnered immense popularity and critical acclaim. His versatility as an actor is further exemplified by his role as a Taxi Driver in the thought-provoking film, A Wednesday.
Prior to his illustrious career in the entertainment industry, Jitendra Kumar earned a Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering from the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, a testament to his academic prowess and dedication.