Jeong Ga-young, a talented independent film director, was born in 1990. As a teenager, she harbored a passion for the behind-the-scenes aspect of the film industry, with a dream of becoming the producer of a renowned television show focused on movies. To pursue this ambition, she initially enrolled in a mass communication program, only to eventually realize that this career path was not a suitable fit for her. Undeterred, she then opted to attend the Film, TV & Multi media School of the Korea National University of Arts, but her academic journey was short-lived, as she dropped out less than two years later to explore her interest in writing novels.
Although she persisted in this creative endeavor for a period, Jeong ultimately came to the conclusion that she lacked the necessary talent to excel as a novelist. Instead, she redirected her focus towards filmmaking, embarking on a solo project that would see her produce a series of short movies, often shot within a single day due to her impatience. As she continued to hone her craft, she eventually invested her own resources to bring her debut feature project, Bitch on the Beach, to life.
Jeong's sophomore film, Hit the Night, garnered widespread recognition, including the Vision-Director's Award at the Busan International Film Festival, which is bestowed annually upon two promising independent directors. Furthermore, Hit the Night was later invited to compete in the main competition of the prestigious Rotterdam International Film Festival.