In the year 1990, a pivotal moment in the life of James LaBrie, the renowned vocalist, unfolded as he became aware of the esteemed American progressive metal band Dream Theater's quest for a new singer. With a sense of purpose and determination, he seized the opportunity to submit a tape showcasing his exceptional vocal talents, which was met with a swift response from the band's management. As a result, LaBrie found himself on a plane bound for New York City, where he would undergo a comprehensive audition to prove his worth as a potential member of the band.
The tryout, a testament to his impressive skills and dedication, went exceedingly well, and LaBrie emerged victorious, his voice and artistry deemed worthy of the coveted position of full-time vocalist in the esteemed band. His selection, a nod to his exceptional abilities, came after a rigorous process that saw him compete against a staggering 200 other hopefuls vying for the same role.