Ivan do Espírito Cardoso Filho, a renowned Brazilian photographer and filmmaker, was born on October 1st, 1952, in the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro. His early career was marked by experimental short films, including the 1971 production "Nosferatu no Brasil" (Nosfaratu in Brazil),which starred the talented poet and songwriter Torquato Neto, a close friend of Cardoso's.
Throughout his illustrious career, which spans over four decades, Cardoso continued to push the boundaries of experimental filmmaking, creating a diverse range of short films that showcased his unique style and creativity. However, it is his feature-length movies that have garnered the most attention and recognition, particularly those that blend elements of horror and comedy, a genre he has dubbed "terrir" - a portmanteau of the words "terror" and "rir", meaning "laugh" in Brazilian Portuguese.
Some of Cardoso's most notable "terrir" films include "As Sete Vampiras" (The Seven Vampire Ladies),"O Segredo da Múmia" (The Secret of the Mummy),and "Um Lobisomem na Amazônia" (A Werewolf in the Amazon Rainforest). These films, as well as many others, have cemented Cardoso's reputation as a master of his craft.
In addition to his work in feature-length films, Cardoso has also produced documentaries on fellow Brazilian filmmakers, such as Glauber Rocha and José Mojica Marins, as well as on plastic artists like the avant-garde icon Helio Oiticica. His extensive filmography is a testament to his dedication to his craft and his passion for storytelling.
Today, Cardoso maintains a strong online presence, with channels on popular platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, where fans and enthusiasts can access a vast array of his short films, from the most well-known to the most underground ones, all available for free.