Kaneko embarked upon a rigorous training regimen at the esteemed Jinushi Kaoru Ballet School, nestled in the vibrant city of Osaka, where she honed her craft and laid the foundation for a distinguished career in the world of ballet.
In the 2010/11 Season, Kaneko made the bold decision to join the prestigious Royal Ballet, marking a significant milestone in her artistic journey.
As her talent and dedication continued to flourish, she was subsequently promoted to the esteemed position of First Artist in 2012, a testament to her exceptional skills and artistry.
Building upon this success, Kaneko's trajectory continued to ascend as she was elevated to the role of Soloist in 2013, further solidifying her status as a talented and accomplished dancer.
Years of hard work and perseverance ultimately culminated in Kaneko's promotion to the pinnacle of her profession, First Soloist, in 2018, a recognition of her unwavering commitment to her craft.
And finally, in 2021, Kaneko reached the pinnacle of her career, being appointed to the coveted position of Principal, a testament to her exceptional artistry, technical mastery, and unwavering dedication to the world of ballet.