Fattah Amin, a captivating individual born on September 14th, 1990, embarked on his illustrious journey in the entertainment industry by playing an extra in the esteemed television drama series, Memberku Hawa. This pivotal role marked the beginning of a long and storied career, as he went on to receive numerous offers and subsequently stole the spotlight with his captivating performance in Playboy Itu Suamiku. The rest, as they say, is history.
Throughout his illustrious career, Fattah Amin has had the privilege of starring in a diverse array of dramas, including the critically acclaimed productions Cinta Jannah, Hello Mr Perfect, Gerak Khas 2016, Suri Hati Mr Pilot, and Hero Seorang Cinderella.
Throughout the years, Fattah Amin has garnered an impressive array of accolades, including the prestigious Hero Remaja 2011/2012, Anugerah Melodi ke-3, Anugerah Telenovela, Anugerah MeleTOP ERA, and Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian, a testament to his unwavering dedication and commitment to his craft.
Despite being embroiled in controversy on numerous occasions, Fattah Amin has remained steadfast in his pursuit of excellence, striving to become one of the most successful and beloved Malaysian artistes of his generation.