Erik Felderhof, a renowned producer, is the visionary founder of Original Bear Entertainment, a prestigious film and television production company. As a creative force to be reckoned with, Erik is widely recognized for his innovative work as the creator and executive producer of the captivating reality series "The Journey: a music make-over show", which premiered in 2022.
Erik's impressive portfolio also includes serving as the executive producer of the acclaimed KCET (PBS) interview series "Kamp Solutions", which has garnered widespread recognition for its groundbreaking coverage of climate solutions and its impressive lineup of esteemed guests. This critically acclaimed series, which debuted in 2019, has made a significant impact in the industry.
In addition to his work on "The Journey" and "Kamp Solutions", Erik has also demonstrated his versatility as a producer through his involvement in the thrilling boxing documentary "Teofilo", which tells the remarkable story of three-time World and Olympic boxing Champion Teófilo Stevenson. This documentary is a testament to Erik's ability to bring compelling stories to life on screen.