Born on March 20, 1993, in the charming city of Kırklareli, located in the heart of Türkiye, a young and talented individual was about to embark on a remarkable journey. Her early years were marked by a strong foundation in education, as she attended the prestigious Saint-Joseph French High School, where she had the opportunity to hone her skills and cultivate her passion for the arts.
One of her most notable extracurricular activities during her high school years was her participation in the French theater team, a role she took on for a remarkable five years. This experience not only helped her develop her acting chops but also instilled in her a sense of discipline and dedication.
As she entered adulthood, she pursued higher education at the esteemed Haliç University, where she enrolled in the conservatory program. This marked a significant milestone in her academic and professional journey, as she began to lay the groundwork for a successful career in the entertainment industry.
Her early foray into the world of television came at the tender age of 11, when she starred in the popular series "My Best Friend". This breakout role not only showcased her talent but also set the stage for a long and illustrious career in the making.