Danny Wylde

Danny Wylde

39 · Born: Oct 21, 1985


Known For

Personal Details

Height5' 10"
BornOct 21, 1985 Los Angeles, California, USA


Danny Wylde, a renowned figure in the adult film industry, was born on October 21, 1985, in California. He began his career in 2006, at the age of 21, and has since become a sought-after performer, appearing on numerous websites and working for various companies.

Initially, his appearances on camera were more a result of chance than a deliberate career choice. However, his earnings from these early appearances helped finance his collegiate pursuits, ultimately leading to the completion of his degree in film.

Danny's unique physical attributes have enabled him to seamlessly transition between playing the role of an average, everyday man, a nerdy character, and even a charming and witty individual. This versatility has undoubtedly contributed to his widespread popularity within the adult film community.

Throughout his career, Danny has established himself as a frequent casting choice, often featuring in scenes involving older women. His ability to effortlessly adapt to different roles has earned him a reputation as a winning favorite among audiences.


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