A talented Egyptian actor and writer, born in the year 1980, embarked on a remarkable artistic journey with his close friends Ahmed Fahmy and Hisham Maged during their university studies. Together, they co-founded an innovative artistic group known as Tamarind Artistic Production, which enabled them to create and showcase several low-budget, satirical films. Among their most notable and acclaimed works is the film "Men You Do Not Know the Impossible", which garnered widespread attention and recognition.
Their exceptional talent and creative endeavors did not go unnoticed, as they were soon discovered by renowned writer and producer Mohamed Hefzy. He presented their work through the series "Affish and Analogy" and the movie "Code Paper", further cementing their reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the Egyptian film industry.
Subsequently, Chico, along with his two partners, went on to produce two more films that met with immense success: "Samir, Shahir, and Baheer" and "The Cousins". Additionally, they created the comedy series "The Jujube Man", solidifying their status as a dynamic and influential trio in the world of Egyptian entertainment.