Brad Neely, a renowned comic book artist, hails from the vibrant city of Fort Smith, Arkansas, but has since relocated to the sun-kissed metropolis of Los Angeles, California. With a strong foundation in the arts, Neely attended the esteemed Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, where he honed his craft and developed his unique style.
Throughout his illustrious career, Neely has created a plethora of captivating comic series, including the critically acclaimed "Creased Comics", which showcases his versatility and imagination. Additionally, his ingenious spoof of the beloved Harry Potter franchise, "Wizard People, Dear Reader", has garnered widespread attention and acclaim.
This innovative project takes the form of an alternate soundtrack, comprising a narration in the style of an audiobook, which can be played over the muted visuals of the original film. This ingenious creation allows viewers to experience the wizarding world in a fresh and exciting way.
Neely's remarkable work has been featured in the thought-provoking documentary, "We Are Wizards", which provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of fan culture and creativity.