Atharvaa Murali, a renowned Indian film actor, has made a significant mark in the Tamil cinema industry. Born into a family of actors, with his father being the talented Murali, Atharvaa's acting career began with the 2010 release of Baana Kaathadi.
As he continued to hone his craft, Atharvaa delivered a critically acclaimed performance in the romantic thriller Muppozhudhum Un Karpanaigal (2012),where he portrayed a young individual struggling with delusions. This role showcased his versatility as an actor and paved the way for his involvement in Bala's period film Paradesi (2013).
In Paradesi, Atharvaa played the role of a rural villager who is held as a slave in a tea plantation, a performance that not only earned him widespread recognition but also a prestigious Filmfare Award for Best Actor in Tamil. This breakthrough role cemented Atharvaa's position as a talented and accomplished actor in the Tamil film industry.