Andrew Collins, a renowned science and history writer, hails from Bedford, England. With a prolific career spanning over a dozen books, he has successfully challenged conventional perspectives on the past. His impressive bibliography includes thought-provoking titles such as "The Black Alchemist", "The Seventh Sword", "From the Ashes of Angels", "Gods of Eden", "Gateway to Atlantis", "Tutankhuman: The Exodus Conspiracy" (co-authored with Chris Ogilvie Herald),"The Cygnus Mystery", "Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods", "The Cygnus Key: The Denisovan Legacy", and "Göbekli Tepe and the Birth of Egypt". Additionally, he has co-authored several books, including "Denisovan Origins: Hybrid Humans", "Göbekli Tepe and the Genesis of the Giants of Ancient America" with Greg L. Little.
Andrew Collins
67 · Born: Jan 25, 1957