This renowned individual spent a significant portion of his life residing with his family in the bustling city of El Madina, Saudi Arabia, where he was immersed in a unique cultural environment that undoubtedly had a profound impact on his personal and professional development.
Upon returning to his native Egypt, he continued his academic pursuits with unwavering dedication, ultimately graduating with a bachelor's degree from the prestigious Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts. This milestone marked a significant turning point in his career, as he began to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry.
Throughout his illustrious career, he has had the privilege of participating in a wide range of assistance roles across both film and television, including numerous notable productions. His impressive filmography boasts credits in cinematic masterpieces such as "El Farah", "Cabaret", "Hysteria", "The Road to Eilat", and "World War III", among others.
Furthermore, his extensive television career has seen him participate in a variety of series, including "Abu Dehka Jenan", "Who Does Not Love Fatma", "The Southern Dream", and "Laialy El Helmia". His extensive body of work is a testament to his enduring passion for the performing arts and his unwavering commitment to his craft.