Director Ahmed Saleh embarked on his cinematic journey after completing his Bachelor's degree in the arts from Brentwick University in England in the year 2000. Following his graduation, Ahmed worked as an assistant director for esteemed directors such as Shereef Arafeh, Mohamed Abu Seif, and Shereef Sabry, gaining valuable experience in the film industry.
Ahmed's directorial debut was the film "Harb Italia" (Italy's War),which featured notable actors Ahmed El Sekka and Khaled Saleh. He also worked as an acting director on the film "A'la Ganby Yasta", alongside Sa'eed Hamid, and the film also starred Ashraf A'bd Al Baqee. Ahmed's subsequent directorial project was the film "Al Dealer", which starred Ahmed El Sekka and Khalid Al Nabawwy.
In addition to his work in cinema, Ahmed Saleh, who has an Algerian father and an Egyptian mother, has also directed several television productions, including "Lahazat Harija", "Hurmat ya Baba", and "Tsunami".