Ahmed Eid, a renowned Egyptian actor and screenwriter, hails from Manzala, Dakahlia, and was born in the year 1968. Initially, he pursued his academic endeavors at the Faculty of Agriculture, although he did not ultimately complete his studies there. Subsequently, he redirected his focus to the world of the performing arts by enrolling at the Higher Institute of Theatrical Arts. Throughout his artistic journey, Ahmed Eid has had the privilege of being involved in numerous plays, which served as the foundation of his career, including the notable productions "The Red Eye" and "Alabanda". He catapulted to fame with his breakout role in the film "The Night of the Fall of Baghdad", and has since appeared in a variety of television series, such as "Sukkar's Crisis" and "His Excellency", solidifying his status as a prominent figure in the Egyptian entertainment industry.
Ahmed Eid
56 · Born: Jan 6, 1968