The Musketeers, once disbanded by Cardinal Richelieu, find themselves on the streets of Paris after failing to steal Leonardo Da Vinci's airship blueprints. Meanwhile, a young and ambitious D'Artagnan arrives in Paris, eager to become a Musketeer himself. Despite the group's initial dislike of D'Artagnan, they soon band together to fight off guards and develop a motto of "All for one and one for all."
Info about The Three Musketeers
Studio(s): Summit Entertainment, Constantin Film
Originally Released: United States, Oct 20, 2011
Production Countries: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France
Box Office Gross: $139,877,913.00
Budget: $75,000,000.00
The Three Musketeers: Where to Watch Online?
Currently you are able to watch "The Three Musketeers" for free with ads on Tubi TV.