Frederick Samson Robert Morice Fox, a talented English actor, initially gained recognition for his portrayal of Marilyn, the iconic singer, in a biopic centered around the life of Boy George, a renowned musician and cultural icon. Born in the vibrant neighborhood of Hammersmith, London, England, Fox comes from a family with a rich heritage in the entertainment industry. His mother, Joanna David, is a skilled actress, while his father, Edward Fox, is a respected actor. Additionally, his elder sister, Emilia Fox, is a talented actress in her own right. Fox's early education took place at the esteemed Bryanston School in Dorset, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous academic programs. He later honed his craft at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, where he earned his degree in 2010. Following his graduation, Fox transitioned to the London stage, making notable appearances at the Old Vic in productions such as A Flea In Her Ear and Cause Célèbre.
Freddie Fox
35 · Born: Apr 5, 1989