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System Crasher

In this heartwarming film, a troubled 9-year-old girl named Benni struggles to find a suitable home due to her explosive outbursts. Despite her desire to live with her mother, her mother's inability to manage her daughter's behavior leaves Benni feeling uncertain. That is until she meet...

A small but formidable 9-year-old girl, Benni, has a reputation for being expelled from every place she goes. Known as a "system crasher" by child-protection services, Benni is determined to return home to her mother, despite her mother's fear of her. Benni's goal is to find a permanent placement, and child protection services hire an anger management trainer, Micha, to escort her to school, bringing a glimmer of hope for a change.

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Info about System Crasher

Studio(s): Kineo Filmproduktion, Oma Inge Film

Originally Released: United States, Sep 19, 2019

Production Country: Germany
